2 min readApr 26, 2021

🤫 Sorry for the silence here. I took some time off social media to reflect on what Mytus is and why I’m doing it. A few posts in the coming days coming out of that.

⚙️ I believe that products are becoming commodities, and as this continues to happen, the stories of the brands selling those products will be central to consumer purchasing decisions.

💗 Mytus is called “Stuff with a story” because in the end, it’s all just stuff. Anyone can buy stuff, and the story of that stuff is the heart of the matter.

❄️ Stories come in so many different forms, and that’s the beauty of small, indie brands like the ones I cover for Mytus. All the stories are different, and they’re all amazingly unique and will resonate with *someone* out there.

✨I envision Mytus as a platform where consumers can discover stories that they love, no matter what type of story they love. Some people really care about sustainability, others about supporting passionate founders, others about giving back…It’s all out there and it’s all good.

📈 Further to this mission, I want to see Mytus become less about me writing the stories and tags, which is super limiting in terms of what I discover and have capacity for. I want brands (and maybe consumers too?) to submit their stories and tag them. I’m working on some new features to make this more scaleable. More to come.

❔Mytus is not an influencer/blogger. It’s a place where consumers can influence themselves based on their own passions and interests. What type of story do you love? It’s there. Go find it and support it.

Have a wonderful week ahead.

