Evolution and Change

2 min readApr 28, 2021

👩‍💻 I started Mytus.co as a coding project. I was learning Ruby on Rails, and passionate about the stories of small indie brands, so this was my way of combining them.

⏳ Somewhere in the past year, I started to love the content more, and the coding less. And I started to become frustrated that my coding knowledge was holding back what I envisioned Mytus to be.

💻 Enter the world of No Code. I explored different platforms, and am currently publishing through @airtable and softr.io with a bit of custom html/css thrown in. It’s been a journey.

What have I learned about myself?

Δ Change — I started Mytus to learn to code. Then I moved away from actively coding because I found a better way. That’s great.

🏞 Explore — There are so many ways to accomplish the same goal. Find one that works for you, until it doesn’t. Then adapt.

🤗 Embrace — Building in public and being open about my journey has made me feel more free than I have in years, even when I’m not sure what the next step will be.

❔Discover — I don’t know what the journey for Mytus will be or where it will lead me ultimate. That’s ok with me, and I’m just happy to be where I am today, learning and growing.

